Issaquah, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick glance at the current Population & Steets in Iaquah City shows the demographics of the city. Many residents rely on their car for transportation to work, while others use the trolley bus. While this information is not complete, it does give a good overview of the area's population. The information below is based on information collected from the 2020 American Community Survey, and is updated annually. The data is not guaranteed to be accurate.

The most recent census data available shows that Issaquah has a population of 5,840 people. This number includes children under the age of eighteen and households headed by married couples. In addition, there were 9.6% of households headed by a female without her husband. The population's median age was 37 years. About 31.0% of households were made up of individuals, while 7.8% were headed by senior citizens. The average household size is 2.27 people, and the median household income is $77,276.

Regardless of age, living in Issaquah is affordable. In Issaquah, there are several affordable apartment options, and even a cheap two bedroom apartment for $2,105 is available. As far as rent goes, Issaquah City offers some of the most affordable housing in the region. This is great for those who want to live near downtown Seattle.