Kittitas, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Kittitas City, Washington is located in Washington State. The population is 98.6% U.S. citizens, and the median household income is $17,490. The city is home to numerous historical and cultural landmarks. The CWU Brooks Library houses the Frederick Krueger Photograph Collection. This collection contains images of the upper Kittitas Valley and Kittitas County, Washington.

Kittitas was founded in 1883 and incorporated on December 9, 1931. The city grew out of the westward expansion of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad. The community became centered around the railroad's Kittitas Yard and Depot. This railroad link connected Kittitas to other small communities and gave its residents a way to sell their products.

The city is home to about 1,387 people. The median household income in Kittitas is $39,803 per year. The median age for residents is 33 years old. The median household size is 2.49 people, while the median family size is 3.02.

The USPS designates Kittitas City with a ZIP code. These codes may include city, town, village, school, or other designation. The city's ZIP code is D. It's the preferred name, but the USPS doesn't use that designation in every ZIP code.

In Kittitas City, the median age of its residents was 30.6 years old in 2020, while the average age of its foreign-born residents was 38 years old. In comparison, the average age of Washington residents was 32 years old. Most foreign-born residents were from India, and China.