Ocean Shores, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To learn about Ocean Shores city demographics, read the following: Population & Steets in Ocean. The city's population has a low vacancy rate, and 51% of households have one occupant or fewer. According to the US Department of Health, one person or less per room is an optimal ratio for a city of Ocean Shores' size. However, this figure may not reflect the true picture of Ocean Shores's population.

The total housing stock in Ocean Shores consists of single-family residential houses, which comprise 77% of the city's total population. In accordance with the US Census, single-family residential houses include semi-attached, row houses, and townhouses. Attached units must be separated by a wall that spans the ground floor and does not share a common heating/air-conditioning system.

In Ocean Shores, the population of the city is forecasted to reach 6,943 people by 2040, with the total number of households at around 2200. In other words, the city can comfortably accommodate an additional thousand residents up until 2040, according to the US Census Bureau. The city has ample land to accommodate more residents and maintain its current level of quality housing. It is important to note, however, that the city is at least a decade away from reaching its full potential.

The city is classified as a marine or oceanic climate, with a tendency to resemble a Mediterranean climate. With moderately wet winters and cool, dry summers, Ocean Shores' climate is generally mild. Its population density is below average and reflects its coastal location. A diverse population also means a diverse community. Despite its small size, the city's economy relies on tourism, and marketing is important to the city's economic health and well-being.