Olalla, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering, "What is the Population & Steets in OlAlla City?", then you are not alone. Most residents commute by car, bus or trolley bus, or ferry boat. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Olalla has a population of 1,743 people. Of those, 59 people work in the service industry, and the remaining two percent are in blue-collar jobs.

The crime rate in Olalla City is quite low, although you may find some areas to be unsafe. The crime map in Olalla may not seem as accurate as you would expect, and the red areas do not necessarily indicate danger for residents. However, this crime map does show you where the most crime is occurring. Crimes in the central part of Olalla are typically committed in areas with more retail establishments.

The population of Olalla is comprised of ninety percent white residents. It is comprised of 0.5% black people and 1.3% Asians. The Hispanic population is estimated to be about three percent. You can determine who your target market is based on the demographics of the city. The median household income is $55,203. The average household income is $67,233. Residents are educated to at least high school.