Port Hadlock, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the current population and street names in Port Hadlock City, Washington, then you have come to the right place. We have listed the population and street names of the city below. You can also find out more information about the community by looking at the map. You'll be able to see where the people live, work, and play. This is an important resource to help you plan your trip to this charming city.

To get the most accurate information on the area surrounding Port Hadlock, WA, try searching for the nearest city. You'll find cities in close proximity to Port Hadlock, WA and major cities that are close by. For example, if you're visiting Port Hadlock, you can search for flights to Seattle. These cities are less than four hours' drive from Port Hadlock, WA, so they're an ideal location to get around.

The 98339 ZIP code is located in Jefferson County and is officially known as PORT HADLOCK, WA. It contains portions of Port Hadlock-Irondale, WA. The area code for this zip code is 360. Port Hadlock-Irondale is home to a higher percentage of college graduates. In addition, there are fewer people living in this zip code than in many other ZIP codes.