Skamokawa, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When determining the population of a city, the census will ask for information on its race and ethnicity. Almost half of American adults identify themselves as white, and the percentage of black people is even lower, at 0.7%. The other half of the population is made up of Native Americans and Asians. Hispanics represent about 17.5% of the population, and there are also a few others.

The city has a population of about 325 people. Ninety-six percent of residents are U.S. citizens, and the median property value is about N/A. About 85.6 percent of the population owns their own home, and the median commute time is 25.5 minutes. There are about 4 cars per household, and the median household income is N/A. The median home value is N/A, which is higher than the national average.

There are a lot of statistics on the population of Skamokawa City. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 18 percent of the city's adult population is made up of veterans. The same number of people in Skamokawa Valley, WA are employed in the construction industry, while nine percent are employed in the transportation and warehousing industry. The highest paying industry in the city is Total.