Steptoe, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Steptop City, Washington are provided below for your information. The city has a total of 190 residents, a 3.6% growth over the previous year. The median household income is $75,000, and the city is home to five different ethnic groups. The top three ethnic groups in Steptoe are White (Non-Hispanic), Black or African American, and Hispanic. The remaining two races are unknown.

The age distribution of the population shows that 25.7% of the population is under the age of 18, 3.8% is 18-24, and 11.7% is 45-64. There are also 18-and-old-old-person households. One-third of the population is 65 years old or older. There are also 13 percent of adult civilians in Steptoe, and 14.5% are senior citizens living on their own. The median household size in Steptoe is 2.44.