Baisden, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for more information about Baisden City, WV, you've come to the right place. This article will give you some information about the population and steets of the city. In addition to the population statistics, you can also read up on the local area to see what it has to offer. You can also use this information to determine the distance from Baisden to other cities.

There are a total of 11,303 residents living in Baisden, WV. Of those people, 8,285 are families. These families are comprised of married couples with two adults in the house. The remaining 1,595 are single, unmarried individuals who do not live with their spouse. The population of Baisden is made up of a mix of different housing types, ranging from row houses to town homes.

A city's population is made up of a mixture of race and ethnicity. The race of the people living in a city is determined by the highest degree or schooling the residents have received. The table below shows the racial makeup of Baisden. It will help you decide where to raise your family and what kind of work environment your children will have. The city has a median age of 35 years, and males outnumber females 74.3:100.