Belva, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about the population and steets of Belva City, West Virginia, you've come to the right place. Below, you'll find data regarding the city's current population and past demographics. You'll also find the area's median household income, as well as the ratio of male to female residents. The population of Belva is approximately 4,5,699 people and 80.0% white, with 0.1% black, Asian, and Hispanic residents. And of course, high school graduates are the norm.

The crime grade map in Belva, WV, will let you know where to avoid. While it may seem unfair to list the most dangerous areas, you'll find that most cities in West Virginia are safer than Belva. In fact, there are a few places in Belva that are more dangerous than others. Use the map to see where you'll feel safest in Belva City.

Among the people who live in Belva, 0% are never married. That's a relatively small number compared to the national average. In addition, 0% of adults who live in Belva are veterans. However, in West Virginia, that figure stands at 9.2%. This is a good indication that there are a number of things to be done to increase the city's demographics.