Birch River, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets in Birch River City, West Virginia, you have come to the right place. This article contains vital information on Birch River city, West Virginia. To get a detailed population and steets of Birch River city, check out the links below. Just be sure to check the data before you make your final decision. They are important to know for future reference.

The residents of Birch River, WV speak English as their primary language. There is no significant difference in the number of people of any other languages in Birch River. Ninety percent of residents speak English well or exclusively. The national average for English-speaking population is 64.1%. The majority of Birch River residents speak English, but there are some notable exceptions. Some ancestries are more widely represented in Birch River than in other places.

The median age of the Birch River population is 26.7 years, which is 11.2 years younger than the national average. This number is significantly lower than the national average. The U.S. population is 37.9 years old, so Birch River's median age is twenty-seven years. A substantial percentage of the population is over sixty-five, at 8.5 percent. Compared to the national average, 15.2% of the population is sixty-five years old or older.

According to Census data, the population of Birch River, WV is 136 people. The population of Birch River, WV is largely White (non-Hispanic), but it also includes 0 people who are Black or African American. Those who are Hispanic have a much lower percentage of residents than the overall population. In Birch River, WV, there is one car per household, which is below the national average.