Cottageville, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Cottageville City, South Carolina is approximately 60,438 people. This is about 6% smaller than the state average. The city is home to more than 20,000 people, and is a thriving suburb of Columbia. The median household income is $51,590, and there are many jobs in the area. The average family size is 2.9. Cottageville is a great place for people with kids because the school system is very strong.

The demographics of a place are often helpful in determining the feel of a neighborhood. Cottageville has 75% owner-occupied homes, with an average household size of 2.7 people. While quality of life is a subjective matter, some buyers seek out a walkable city, while others prefer quietness, nature, and the peace and quiet of a suburban setting. A few people are okay with long commute times.

The population of Cottageville is primarily white, with a percentage of black residents. A minority of residents (0.49%) are Hispanic, but a large percentage of the population is considered to be below the poverty line. Cottageville, SC is home to 89.8% white people. The median household income in Cottageville is $17,475 per year. Cottageville is home to more than half of the city's population, with about 63 percent of its people residing below the poverty line.

The average household size in Cottageville is 3.6 people. The highest percent of single residents is found in Ridgeville, while the lowest percent of single people is in Cottageville. The city is 11.0% smaller than the national average. Residents of Cottageville are married, but they are also lower in number than single people. Cottageville has a lower percentage of single people than the state average. However, the median household size is higher than that of Ravenel.