Cross Lanes, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Cross Lanes, WV? You can find out by using Radaris. This website is dedicated to providing you with the population and steets of Cross Lanes. The information provided is based on the most recent census data. It's best to check the most recent data before making any assumptions about Cross Lanes's population. For example, if you're planning on moving to Cross Lanes, WV, you'll want to find out how many people live there.

The area around major parks and airports in Cross Lanes is generally safe. However, people in this area are less likely to experience crime than those living in the south or southwest parts of the city. Therefore, you might be tempted to assume that the violent crime rate in the south is higher than in the southwest area. However, this isn't always true. Just because a city has many retail establishments doesn't necessarily mean that it's safer than the rest of the city.

In Cross Lanes, WV, the median household income is $45,334, while the median family income is $54,649. The number of people living below the poverty line is 4.15% for households with children and 5.4% for families with adults. The most common occupations for residents of Cross Lanes are management, sales, and office & administrative support jobs. These occupations tend to be higher-paying than those in poorer communities, but they're not necessarily more stressful.