Elkhorn, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Elkhorn City, Kentucky, is 1.03k people. There are approximately 58 Black or African American residents, and 7 American Indian & Alaska Native residents. 0.365% of the population of Elkhorn City, KY, is hispanic. Those living in poverty are classified as being below the poverty line. This percentage also varies by family size and composition. The most common occupations for people in Elkhorn City are sales and related occupations, office & administrative support occupations, and transportation occupations.

The following table shows the distance between Elkhorn City and the nearest cities. The distance between the two cities is listed from the city center. This list is useful for planning a trip or getting a feel for the local community. You can also use this list to find out what other cities are nearby. If you are planning to visit Elkhorn City, you can start by checking out the nearest cities.

In addition to the distance, you can also look for renter-occupied housing units. The Census and ESRI provide this information. The number of renter-occupied housing units has increased by 1% from 2015 to 2016. You can also look up the renter-occupied housing unit statistics in neighboring cities, such as Man and Auxier. The number of evictions has decreased by only 1% in Elkhorn City.