Eskdale, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a sense of the population of Eskdale City, you should look at the Crime map, which displays the number of property crimes committed in the city by comparing the rates of the area's residents to its population. Crime grade maps track crimes per 1,000 people. Eskdale is not a very safe city, and its property crime rate is above the national average. It is ranked in the 4th percentile of safe cities.

In Eskdale, there are 648 people. Amongst those residents, 161 are under the age of 20. There are 94 men and 67 women. The median age of these residents is 41.4. There are 2,420 births and 2,503 deaths each year in this city. The city's race breakdown is mixed. While there is one race in the city, there are two races in the Eskdale City population.

Education attainment is another key indicator of the population's income. The highest percentage of residents in Eskdale City are educated. In other words, they're in school. And while this may not be a measure of economic success, it is still an important indicator of the region's quality of life. By understanding the education level of residents, you can make informed decisions about their environment and potential job market.