Fort Ashby, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Fort Ashby City, WV, then you've come to the right place. Fort Ashby is a city that is home to approximately 24,000 residents. In general, people who live in Fort Ashby are middle-aged. The median age of Fort Ashby residents is 46, and the average family size is 2.6. In terms of racial and ethnic diversity, Fort Ashby ranks 18193 nationally and 204 in the state.

The majority of residents are white, with only a small minority of African Americans. A small number of Americans identify as American Indian or Native Hawaiian. Hispanics represent the next largest population group, with 17.8 percent of the population identifying as Latino. The rest of the population is represented by one or more other races, including those who aren't American citizens. In Fort Ashby, nearly half of all adults are renters.

The median household income in Fort Ashby is $55,197. Fort Ashby is safer than most neighboring cities, with a crime rate below the national average. However, the city's crime rate may look slightly inflated compared to other areas, due to the number of retail establishments. Retail areas are often the most crime-prone areas, so the red areas may not necessarily mean that Fort Ashby residents are in danger.

In terms of the age demographics of Fort Ashby City, the median age was 39. One third of the population lived with a parent, with 8.2% of the population living alone without their spouse. Fort Ashby City's population is made up of married couples and individuals, and ten percent of households are single. Twenty-one percent of the population was 65 years or older. And the gender ratio was 93.0: males outnumbering females.