Glen Ferris, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a quick summary of Population & Steets in Glen Feris City, West Virginia. The city of Glen Ferris is located in Fayette County, West Virginia, USA. The population is approximately 129 people. The median household income is $33,393 and the median home value is $151,300, both below the national average. The local public school district is below state average in terms of quality, and the city has an area code of 304.

The median age of the residents of Glen Ferris is twenty-one. This is the highest age group in the city. More than one-third of adults in Glen Ferris are at least thirty-one years old, and 12% are under 18 years old. The average Glen Ferris resident is unmarried, but only 4.6% has never married. Those who are single are most likely to be bachelors or divorced.

According to the 2010 Census, the median household income was $36,573. Males earned $24,423 compared to twenty-one percent for females. Per capita income was $18,104. One-fifth of the population was below the poverty line. In Glen Ferris, there were approximately eleven percent of people who were elderly or were unemployed. The average family size is three people, but the community is comprised of many different ethnic groups.

The 2010 census estimates that were used to prepare this Glen Ferris City, Michigan, population. The numbers were calculated by using the Census Bureau's QuickFacts database, and are based on the United States Census, American Community Survey, and Current Population Survey. QuickFacts estimates are not comparable to other geographic levels, mainly due to differences in sampling and methodology. QuickFacts icons are located on each row in the TABLE view. Click on these icons to see information about the sampling error and other statistical data.