Hansford, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Hansforth City? Have you been looking for this information for a long time? This article will provide you with the information you need. Keep reading to learn about the city's people, history, and demographics. The median age of Hansford County, TX residents is 35.1 years old. Residents are primarily U.S. citizens, with 77.9% of them being born in the United States.

The population of Hansford County, TX is around 5,279. It was formed 146 years ago in 1876 and is located in Spearman, TX. The population of Hansford City is approximately 3,800 people. The city's main economic sectors are Agriculture, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Other Services. Listed below are some of the highest-paying industries in Hansford County, TX.

In terms of racial makeup, 97.8% of residents are white, 2.2% are black, and 0.7% are Hispanic. Other demographic information that you can find includes the percentage of people who own their homes. The median household income in Hansford City is $21,667. The average household income is $28,276. The median high school graduation rate is 49 percent and 67% of residents did not go to college.

Nearly two-thirds of residents commute to work by car. Many people carpool with their co-workers, neighbors, and friends. A mere 9.7% of residents use public transportation. Regardless of whether you drive or ride the bus, your commute is likely shorter than the national average. So, how do you travel in Hansford City? The table below provides the population breakdown of Zip Code 25103.