Leewood, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets for Leewood City. If you're considering moving to Leewood City, KS, this information may be useful. The median home value in Leawood is $588,800, which is above the national average. The median time to commute is 21.7 minutes. In addition, the median price of a home in Leewood is 7.4% higher than the national average.

In terms of race, Leawood residents are predominantly white. The population is relatively small, but the percentage of Hispanics has increased in recent years. The percentage of residents of any race is 2.2%. A large percentage of Leawood's residents are Vietnam veterans. In addition, the city has a relatively low percentage of vacancies. The census also indicates that one or more nursing homes are located in the area.

For businesses, the location of Leawood makes it easy to do business across the country and internationally. It is conveniently located in the central time zone, allowing companies to do business on either coast. Additionally, the city is located along the Kansas-Missouri state border, providing a scenic link between the country club Plaza, the Power & Light District, and downtown Kansas City. In addition, there are numerous schools in the area, including Leawood High School, Leawood Middle School, and Leewood Christian Academy.

The top three modes of transportation in Leewood City are car, walking, and bus or trolley bus. Thirteen thousand eighty-one residents use a car to commute to work. 168 residents prefer to walk. And fifteen prefer to take the bus or trolley bus. The US Census Bureau does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. The demographics for Leewood City are based on the latest information available.