Meadow Bridge, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for the population & steets of Meadow Bridge City? Check out the table below to see if Meadow Bridge is in the United States. There are some big cities in West Virginia that are close to Meadow Bridge, WV. These large cities may be more convenient if you need to book a flight, while smaller towns may be worth checking out as well. Here's a list of cities in and around Meadow Bridge, WV.

While most people are white, 19.3% of residents in Meadow Bridge identify as black or American Indian. Only one in four Americans is Asian. The city is also home to more than seven percent of American veterans. The majority of people in Meadow Bridge are U.S. citizens, but only a tiny percentage of its people identify as a native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. A recent census showed that the country's minority population is only 1.5% Asian and 13.6% Hispanic.

In 2019, Meadow Bridge had a population of 422 people. Its median property value was $68,100, and its homeownership rate was 65%. The median household income was $33,523. The percentage of households that owned a car was one car per household. The median age of the residents was 35. The city's residents are mostly U.S. citizens, but no one reported being born outside the U.S.