Ovapa, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Ovapa is a populated city in West Virginia. The population is approximately 613. The median household income is $27,159, which is below the state and county averages of $34,242 and $57,652, respectively. The median age is 40.6 years. There are many places in West Virginia where you can live. Learn more about this small town. Get to know the area and its people by reading this article.

The zip code for Ovapa, WV 25164 is a unique identification number assigned by the US Postal Service (USPS) to a particular city or neighborhood. It is also used for mailing purposes. A ZIP code may also have a local name, or an alternative address, as well as a section or large neighborhood of a city. Usually, a ZIP Code will have several "acceptable" names, which group town and city addresses under one ZIP Code. The five-digit number is useful for copying mail, while the detailed nine-digit code will be useful for mailing purposes.

In the past, Ovapa was called Summers Fork. The first oil well was drilled in the city in 1923. After the discovery of natural resources, the oil companies started moving into the area and hiring local young men. By 1933, the city was named Ovapa. This is when it became known as the town that is the same as Ovapa today. In addition, the city had a large number of vacancies.