Pageton, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Pageton is made up of six hundred and ninety residents. Of this number, 160 are under the age of twenty. This includes both male and female residents, and people who are under the age of twenty as well. The city also has a diverse population, with approximately thirteen races represented. Listed below is information about the population of Pageton. We hope you find this information useful!

The area around a major airport and a park has a low population. Because few people live near these areas, crime rates may seem higher in these places, but crime happens anywhere. You can check the population of Pageton and other cities nearby to see how safe or dangerous they are. If you want to move to Pageton, be sure to research the local population. There are many benefits to living in this area, including the quality of life.

In Pageton, there are twelve separate neighborhoods. The area contains a variety of housing types, including single family homes, row houses, and apartments. Single-family households make up the majority of the city, with a total of 11,169 households. A further two hundred and fifty single-family units comprise town homes and apartment complexes, with the remainder consisting of one and two-unit apartments.

The population of Pageton City is extremely diverse. The population is comprised of many different groups, each with its own unique characteristics. For example, Table 1 shows the number of people who are over 25 years old. In addition to the total number of people living in Pageton, you can view the percentage of Hispanic and foreign-born residents in the city. Also, the average age of the houses is significantly older than the state average.