Paynesville, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Paynesville City, Minnesota, is a town in the county of Meeker, Minnesota, United States. In 2010, the population of Paynesville was 2,525 people, putting it at the top of other towns in its vicinity. The population has increased by 93 people since 2010, and it has more people than any other town in the county. Listed below are the most recent population and steets statistics.

Families: In Paynesville, there are 69% of households headed by married couples. In Roscoe, the average family size is 3.8, making it 21.9% larger than Paynesville. Singles and families are also more common in Paynesville than in New London. In addition to this, Paynesville has a higher percentage of single people than other cities in Minnesota. In general, however, Paynesville has a lower percentage of households headed by women.

The zip code for Paynesville, Minnesota, is 56362. However, there is more than one paynesville, and the USPS uses several names for the same ZIP code. The name "Paynesville" can refer to a town, a village, a school, or a small neighborhood. USPS assigns only one default name to each ZIP Code. Listed below are the five and nine digit zip codes for Paynesville.

Violent crime rates per 1,000 residents may appear to be inflated, especially in areas of Paynesville with many retail establishments. In contrast, the crime rate may appear low if you don't live in the city's central part. But remember, crime happens where people gather, so the red areas don't necessarily mean Paynesville residents are in danger. You can get a free home security quote from Vivint by completing the form below.