If you are looking for some facts about the population of Pickens City, South Carolina, then you've come to the right place. Detailed information about the area's population can be found in the following sections. These include information about the area's gender, age group, race, and ethnicity. Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau, these statistics have been recreated for Pickens.
The population in Pickens is 99.5% white, with less than one percent black or Hispanic. There are also approximately 4.23 homeowners per 1,000 renters, and there are about three cars for every 100 people. The median age of the Pickens population is 29.6 years. The median income of households is $28,700. The median income for households in Pickens is $38,257 per month.
In the area of ZIP code 29657, people are primarily white, with the majority of households consisting of married couples. Single people make up a quarter of the population. The percentage of vacancies is also below the national average. While the area has a high percentage of elderly residents, the population density is very low. With this information, you can begin planning for a move to Pickens City.
Pickens County is in the northwest region of South Carolina. It has a total area of 512 square miles (1,330 km2). It contains the highest natural point in South Carolina, Sassafras Mountain, at 3560 feet (1085 m). This region is part of the Greenville-Mauldin-Easley Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city has a low-density population, but is home to several schools.