Sissonville, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Sissonville, West Virginia, is located on the Kanawha River. Charleston, the state capital, is approximately 15 miles south. While the city has modest cultural amenities, it also has a small performing arts center in downtown. The population is 4,319, and has seen a decrease of 8.7% since the year 2020. Sissonville residents commute to work or school in a 24.6-minute average.

The map above shows the racial diversity in Sissonville. The darker shades indicate a higher racial majority. Likewise, the diversity map displays areas with a mix of races, with greener areas representing more diversity. Despite its low crime rate, Sissonville remains safer than the state and national average. However, the crime rate may appear inflated when people visit the city, especially if they live in the southwest area, where a lot of retail activity is taking place.

When searching for flights from Sissonville, WV, it is important to consider the size of the airport in your destination city. Smaller cities, such as Charleston, can be reached by air in about four hours, but Sissonville does not have its own airport. However, if you want to fly in from a major city, you can choose to use a large city that is close to Sissonville.

Using this data, you can make informed decisions regarding your community's demographics. For example, you can look at the number of people aged under 18 and who is married. If you live alone, there are also 11.5% of senior citizens, who live alone. Finally, the town's median household income is $58,820, while the per capita income is $23,724.