Spanishburg, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before you begin your new home security system, it's important to consider the overall population and steets of Spanishburg City. Crime rates in the city are generally low. If you live near a park or airport, your risk of being a victim of property crime may seem higher than if you lived near a less dangerous area. But crime happens where people are, so it may not always be easy to determine which neighborhoods have high crime rates.

The population of Spanishburg City is composed of 383 people. Of these, 190 are male and 193 are female. The median age of residents is 39.4, while the number of deaths is 799 per year. This city's racial makeup varies year to year. Three hundred eighty-one percent of its residents are white, while two percent are African-American. Spanishburg's population is predominantly Hispanic, though it also has other ethnicities.

The ZIP code for Spanishburg is 25922. Its official postal code is SPANISHBURG, WV. The city's median home price is $108,700, and the population is expected to decrease by -2.7% by the end of 2016.

Among the residents of Spanishburg, 41% are college graduates. Another 20% are professionals and have a doctorate degree. The median age of Spanishburg residents is 43.4, which is older than the national median age of 38.1. There are also more males than females, and the population is overwhelmingly white. Spanishburg's median household income is $37,590. The city has a 70% high school graduation rate.