Stollings, West Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information on Population & Steets in Stolings City, WV can help you determine if Stollings is right for you. The population of Stollings is made up of 205 White (Non-Hispanic) and 0 Black or African American residents. The town is 0% Hispanic, and the rest of its people are 7 races. Of the foreign-born residents in the town, the largest number come from India. Other foreign-born residents include the Philippines and Canada.

The poverty rate in Stollings is lower than the national average, which is 10-13%. However, its population is relatively low at only 347 people, making it a very small town. While poverty rates in small towns tend to be higher, studies show that economic conditions are generally worse. Regardless of whether Stollings is considered a small town, it does have the necessary amenities to meet its needs.

The average age in Stollings is 60 years old, with a family size of 2.8 individuals. The median income in Stollings is $52,300. Stollings ranks 142nd in the state of Minnesota, and 15677th nationally. Overall, the population of Stollings is relatively young. But it isn't a small town. Regardless of age, Stollings is home to a wide array of ethnicities.

Crime rate in Stollings varies greatly. The city is considered safe by national standards. However, crime is much lower in Stollings than in surrounding towns. As a result, Stollings is a safe and secure place to live. However, there are some areas that have higher rates than others. Crime isn't limited to urban areas, and the population density in these areas is lower than average.