Arkdale, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Arkdale City, Wisconsin, you have come to the right place. The information we present here will help you make your decision. The city has a population of 115 people, and the average commute time is 28 minutes. The median home value is $146,800, and in the last ten years, the city has seen a 5.1% appreciation in its home values.

The most prevalent racial groups in Arkdale are White, 5.4% black, and 0.2% Native American. The Census Bureau uses a set of income thresholds to determine which families are considered low income. Families earning less than that amount are considered to live below the poverty line. There are some notable occupations in Arkdale, including management occupations. The most common ancestry in Arkdale is German, Norwegian, and English.

There are three major airports within 68 miles of Arkdale, WI. The closest one is the Madison, WI airport, while the closest smaller airport is in Milwaukee. Once you've chosen the airport that's most convenient for your needs, you can search for flights to other cities within the same region. Moreover, there are many nearby cities that offer flights to Arkdale, WI. This is helpful in exploring the local area and gaining a feel for the people living in this city.