Black Creek, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Black - NC are a snapshot of the town's demographics. Residents cite affordable housing and taxes as the primary reasons to make this city their home. The large number of large lots also makes living here more affordable. The distance from major urban areas also means that people who live in Black Creek can get to work without too much difficulty. Here's a look at the population and steets in Black Creek City, NC.

The population of Black Creek is 890 residents strong. The median household income in the city is $46,667. The area's median home price is $107,800. Over the last ten years, the home appreciation rate in the city was 8.5%. This is below the national average. However, the community is experiencing an economic upswing. While the community's median home value is higher than its historical norm, there are still several challenges it faces.

Among the participants, seven indicated extended family members live in Outagamie County. Four of them indicated extended family living in Black Creek. For the participants, this was a plus for Black Creek. Although Black Creek is still considered a rural community, its distance from large cities and urbanized areas is an advantage. However, some residents see growth as a challenge. Nonetheless, the residents are satisfied with the current situation.