Boyceville, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Boycville City are very important, because they tell you everything you need to know about the area. You can also find the city's history, if it's interesting. The city is located in Wisconsin. For more information about Boyceville, WI, you can visit its official website. There are various things that you can do in this small town, such as visiting the local churches.

The population of the city is 1124.4, with 0.1% of the population being black or American Indian. Of its population, 11.9% lives below the poverty line. The median home price is $150,000. In the last 10 years, its value has appreciated 9.4%. If you're looking for a home in Boyceville, here's a look at the stats. The median price of a home in the city is $150,000.

The USPS uses the default name for this city, which is BOYCEVILLE. This city's population increased by 3.78% from the 2010 Census. The median age of residents is 39. The median income is $34,600. The median age of residents is 43.1 years for men and 39.6 for women. In addition to housing costs, the city is home to three high schools and one public elementary school.