Campbellsport, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick census of the population and the steets in Campbellsport City gives you the demographics of the city. The population is about the same as that of nearby communities such as Slinger and Hilbert. However, there is a difference between these two cities. In Campbellsport, there are more residents of Italian ancestry than any other neighborhood. However, these differences are not significant enough to draw a conclusion about Campbellsport.

The population of Campbellsport City is largely made up of young adults and people starting families. The median age of the population is 40, and a typical family has three members. This includes children, parents, and grandparents. The area is rated 94th in terms of diversity. A recent census found that Campbellsport has a low poverty rate. While these numbers are not completely indicative of a city's health, it does indicate the area's economic conditions are not as good.

Crime rates vary greatly throughout the city. The rate of violent crime per 1,000 residents is significantly lower in northwest neighborhoods than in the southwestern part. While comparing violent crime rates in different neighborhoods is not always intuitive, the violent crime map shows the area in an easy-to-understand count. It closely resembles the population map for the state of Wisconsin. The southwest part of the city has a low violent crime rate, while the east has a high rate.

The population of Campbellsport, Wisconsin is expected to increase by 5% by 2020. The school district of Campbellsport has six elementary schools and a high school. The city has a total population of 4,811 as of 2020. While this number is not quite the highest, it is still considered to be a large town. And there are a large number of young people in the city. You might be one of them, but it's never too late to enroll in a local school.