Cashton, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the demographics in Cashton City, Wisconsin? This small city is mostly made up of young adults, and people who are starting a family. The median age of Cashton residents is 38, and a typical family of two consists of 2.8 people. The state ranks 2049th in terms of diversity, and Cashton, WI is no exception. In terms of median household income, Cashton is below the state average for both groups.

The poverty rate in Cashton City is less than the national average, but the city isn't free of poverty. The poverty rate in Cashton City is lower than that of other small cities, despite its small size. This is good news for those looking to move to Cashton City or to raise a family here. While the overall cost of living is below the national average, some areas may have higher rates of unemployment or poverty. The cost of housing, utilities, groceries, and other miscellaneous items is significantly lower.

The population of Cashton City, WI is approximately 1,111 people. The median home price is $139,800. The median household income is $47,500. Homeownership is 76.4%, higher than the national average of 64.5%. The median time to work is 23.9 minutes, and people drive to work alone. The median home price has appreciated at a 5.2% rate over the past decade.