Centuria, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are several cities and towns near Centuria City, Wisconsin. If you want to explore more of the area, you can find out which cities are closest to Centuria. For example, you can use a search engine to find the nearest major city. Once you've located the nearest big city, you can use this information to search for flights to a nearby city.

The crime rate in Centuria is similar to those of the surrounding cities. However, the city is safer than many cities its size. While the city is relatively safe overall, it is less safe than many other areas in Wisconsin and the country. While this may be an issue for some, it is generally safe for residents.

The population of Centuria City is 905 people. It has a median home price of $197,00. The rate of home appreciation in the last 10 years is 3.7%. This means that people in Centuria City are more likely to own a home.

Centuria is a small town in Polk County, Wisconsin. The population has grown by 5.2% since the 2000 Census. The population is expected to grow to 20,000 by 2020. The village is located at a height of 1,230 feet above sea level.