Chaseburg, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wondered what the population & steets of Chaseburg City is? Well, you are not alone. Most people do! This small town is located in Madison County, Wisconsin. You can view the following information about Chaseburg, WI. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below! Once you have answered them, you'll be well on your way to making a more informed decision about the future of the city!

The Census Bureau reported that 118.9% of the people in Chaseburg are white, while only 0.2% are Hispanic or black. The median household income is $53,456 and the average household income is $58,539. High school graduation rate in the area is 84 percent. A majority of the citizens of Chaseburg are married and have children. The median age is 30 years old, although a higher number is required for women.

As of 2016, the median age of the people living in Chaseburg was 41.2, down from a population of 318 in 2016. The number of people who were born in other countries is much lower than in the United States, where the average age is 46. The most common foreign-born ancestry is Mexican, followed by Slavic and Egyptian. Residents of Chaseburg are generally white-collar workers, although there are some individuals who live in the city and work elsewhere.

The median property value in Chaseburg was $136,200 in 2019. Approximately 78% of the population lived in Chaseburg, WI. There are 491 households in the city. The median household size is 2.56. The population of Chaseburg, WI is expected to grow by 10.7% by 2025. There are 1.17% of non-U.S. citizens in Chaseburg, with a ratio of 1.11 males to every one female.