Delafield, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering how many people live in Delafield? The following article will give you a quick breakdown of the population and steets in Delafield City. You can also find out how many people live in the Buena Vista / City Center neighborhood, one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the city. In addition, you will learn how many households own two or more cars.

Delafield is home to approximately 7,043 residents. The demographic breakdown includes: Native American, Hispanic/Latino, Two+, and Other Pacific Islander. Natives represent 2.1% of the total white population. The remainder is Hispanic and non-Hispanic. As with many cities in Wisconsin, Delafield has a diversified population. The median age is five0.2 years old for men and fifty-two years old for women.

There are more than seventy-two percent single people in Delafield households. Delafield is home to more single people than any other city in the area. The average family size in Delafield is 2.8 people, but the city has more than twice as many as Oconomowoc Lake. Overall, the population of Delafield is aging. In 2018, only 45.9% of Delafield residents were foreign-born.

The majority of Delafield, WI residents are US citizens, which is higher than the national average of 93.4%. The percentage is higher than neighboring and parent geographies, but remains below the national average. In addition, Delafield, WI has a significant population of military personnel. The percentage of people who served in the Gulf War (2001-) is one-eighth as high as any other conflict in the history of the world.