Dellwood, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Dellwood city profile shows a plethora of information. Here you'll find the population & steets of the area. You'll also discover other interesting facts about this city. You might be interested in the eviction rate, which is a great indicator of the economic status of a city. It is comparatively low, at only 5.6%, compared to the state average of 29.3%.

The population of Dellwood is based on the latest US Census estimates. The census has estimated the population to be 1,092 at the time of the 2010 US census. In terms of race, the Dellwood city population is composed of 1.21k White residents. The second most common racial or ethnic group is Black or African American (Non-Hispanic), followed by white people. About 2% of the population is hispanic.

The city's poverty rate is low: the rate is 1.4% for residents living in poverty. The median income for families in Dellwood is $129,136. The median income for males is $84,792 while the median income for women is $50,625. The population of Dellwood is mainly white, but its black population is significantly higher than the state average. While there are no statistics about crime, the area is a relatively safe place to live.

In terms of race, there are a few interesting facts about the Dellwood city. Native Americans make up only 5.5% of the population. Hispanics make up 2.9% of the population. And there are a lot of immigrants. Almost 9% of the population is foreign born. If you're wondering who you'll run into in Dellwood, consider this information. It may surprise you!