Dickeyville, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for a place to live in Wisconsin, you might want to consider Dickeyville. This small town has 156 people in its population according to the 2010 census. Dickeyville is located near the Gwynns Falls Trail and Lekin Park.

The Dickeyville city population is made up of people from a variety of races. The majority of residents are U.S. citizens, with only one-third belonging to a non-native race. One-half of residents identify as Black, while one-fourth are Hispanic or Latino. The remaining one-half are Two+.

A map displaying the percentage of Dickeyville residents by mode of transportation can help you better understand the city's demographic makeup. In Dickeyville, WI, the most common means of commuting are cars. The largest percentage of Dickeyville households own two cars.

Dickeyville City is located in the southwest corner of Wisconsin, near the Illinois and Iowa border. Its surrounding countryside is filled with farm fields and open space. The Platte River meanders through the town and empties into the Mississippi. Dickeyville has a strong sense of community, and the city's residents have worked hard to improve the area.

Demographics of Dickeyville are available at the state level through the State Data Center of Iowa. The database includes data from federal and state sources, including the U.S. Census Bureau. The city's primary economic development partner is the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation, which is an excellent source of additional demographic information.