Fall Creek, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the population & steets are like in Fall Creek City, Indiana, you're not alone. Several Indianapolis neighborhoods have been troubled by home-buying businesses that redevelop homes at low prices. While these businesses may not target residents of color, many are worried about their practices. Fall Creek's growth and potential is evident from its location along College Avenue and Fall Creek Parkway.

The city has a total population of 1,321 people, with a median household income of $52,396. There are no Latino or black residents living in Fall Creek, which means that the area's people are predominantly White. The area's minority population is low, with only 2.8% of residents belonging to ethnic groups other than white. The median age in Fall Creek is 35.3 years, compared to the state's median of 32.7 years for males.

Among the racial groups living below the poverty line in Fall Creek, WI are White, Hispanic, and Black. These groups are separated by the median household income. Families living below this threshold are considered to be poor if their total income is less than the poverty threshold. The most common job groups in Fall Creek, WI are Office & Administrative Support Occupations, Production Occupations, and Healthcare Support Occupations.

Using Census Bureau data, you can find the estimated number of households using different means of transportation in Fall Creek, WI. This information is updated annually as new data becomes available. Regardless of the source of the data, it's important to note that it cannot guarantee completeness or accuracy. So, if you're considering moving to Fall Creek City, make sure you check out the demographics and housing stock of the area.