Fountain City, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and the stats for Fountain City, you have come to the right place. With this information you will be able to find out where you live, the zip code you live in, and other details. Listed below are the main facts about the population of Fountain City. Read on to learn more about this interesting city! Population and Steets in Fountain City are always on your mind!

The median household income in Fountain City, IN is $50,357. There are three main industries in the city: Construction, Transportation & Utilities, and Wholesale Trade. These three industries are responsible for the majority of the jobs in the city. These three industries employ the most people in Fountain City, IN. In general, the three highest paying industries are Construction, Manufacturing, and Transportation & Utilities.

When looking for a flight, look for major cities with larger airports near Fountain City, WI. These cities usually have higher populations and have large airports. Using this information, you can find a flight from Fountain City, WI to the nearest major airport. Another option is to search for smaller towns that are closer to the city. For example, if you are looking for a flight from Milwaukee to Fountain City, you might want to choose the closest major airport.

Fountain City's residents belong to various racial groups. While most people in the city identify as White, there are also residents of Native American, Norwegian, Polish, English, and Spanish ancestry. Spanish, Italian, and Norwegian are also important languages in Fountain City. This list of languages is not exhaustive. However, it should give you a good overview of the city. So, if you are looking for Fountain City, IN demographics, take a look at the chart below and see how many people live in Fountain City.