Gays Mills, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Gays Mills, WI? What are their incomes? How diverse are the neighborhoods? This is one of the most important indicators of the city's economic health. The map below shows the diversity of the community. Areas in green have more people of different races and ethnicities living in close proximity. Areas in red are white and less diverse. If every household in a neighborhood was white, it would be considered a "one-race town."

In Gays Mills, residents tend to be more safe than those in other communities. While the overall crime rate is higher than the national average, crime rates are also lower than in some areas of neighboring cities. Parks and major airports tend to have the lowest population of people, making them safer for families. However, crime happens wherever people gather. That's why parks and recreational areas may have higher crime rates than the rest of the city.

The median age for all residents in Gays Mills, Wisconsin is 41 years. The median age for native-born residents is 41 years old, while the average age for foreign-born citizens is 48. There are about nineteen percent of people who are Hispanic in this city. In addition to being white, there are many people of color. In fact, Gays Mills has a high percentage of Hispanic people.