Glen Flora, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics show the population and steets of the city of Glen Flora, Wisconsin. These figures are based on Census data and are tagged to each residential address. The population of this city is composed of 86 White citizens, 11 Black or African American residents, and three other race groups. The overall hispanic population of Glen Flora, WI is 3%. The population of this city is slightly higher than the state average.

The median gross monthly rent in Glen Flora is $448. 58.8% of the city's households have access to high-speed internet. Compared to the national average, Glen Flora has a high proportion of broadband internet users. However, this percentage is decreasing yearly. If you're interested in learning more about the people in Glen Flora, Wisconsin, this information will help you make a better informed decision.

The median property value in Glen Flora, WI was $90,000 in 2019, which is 0.374 times less than the national average. The homeownership rate was 54.9% and there were 100 residents living in the city. In Glen Flora, WI, there are approximately two cars per household. Most residents of this city speak English. You can learn more about this Wisconsin city by exploring the statistics below.

The USPS classified Glen Flora as a C5 Census Class Code, which is independent from all counties. It is also a functional status code, or "A," which means it is an active government that provides primary general-purpose functions. Glen Flora is also referred to as Miller's Siding and Glenflora. The city is a suburb of Milwaukee. There are several other communities in the area, including Glen Flora.