Haugen, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population of Haugen City, Wisconsin, you should know that this place is outside of the metro area. The population is less than 2,500 people, and is located in the Central Time Zone. The city has average speeds of 79 Mbps for both wired and wireless internet. The nearest airport is 56 miles away. Haugen has a low number of roads and traffic.

The cost of living in Haugen, Wisconsin is moderate compared to other U.S. cities, but high compared to many other parts of the United States. The average cost of a single-family home in Haugen, Wisconsin is $155,402 versus $557 a month for a one-bedroom apartment. There are several factors that affect climate preferences, including average temperature, average annual rainfall, annual snowfall, and wind speeds.

The Haugen population is made up of people from all walks of life. The median age is 36. The city has a low rate of unemployment, at 1.8%. The top industry in Haugen is educational services, while 12.1% of the population works in the natural resources sector. The top occupation is construction and maintenance. The median household income is $50,000. In addition to living in Haugen, residents have a higher-than-average percentage of foreign-born individuals.