Jim Falls, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Jim Falls city population is 210 people. The median age is 52.4, and the median household income is $40,179. In Jim Falls, WI, the largest racial/ethnic group is White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Black and Native American. The most common job groups in Jim Falls are management, office & administrative support, and personal care. These occupations make up the majority of the population, which makes them among the highest paid.

In Jim Falls, WI, the poverty rate is 21.6%, higher than the national average. The poverty rate is higher than the national average at 8.63%. The median household income in Jim Falls, WI is lower than the state average and compared to neighboring and parent geographies. In 2019, 79.2% of workers drove alone to work. 11.5% worked from home. While this is a low rate for Wisconsin, the low poverty rate in Jim Falls can be an indication of a poorer economy.

The Jim Falls city ZIP code is the default name for Chippewa County, Wisconsin. The city is named for James Ermatinger, a man who founded a trading post near Vermillion Falls in 1840. He became active in the public affairs of the village, serving as justice of the peace for Chippewa County and appointed by the county board of supervisors to lay out a road between Chippewa Falls and Vermillion Falls.