Juda, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the demographics of a city, Juda stands out from the rest. The city's population is significantly older than the average for the United States. The median age of the population in Juda is 40.3 years, a full 2.4 years older than the national average. The city's median age is also significantly older than the state's, at 37.5 years. The city has a 6.3 percent higher proportion of people aged 65 and older.

According to the American Jewish Yearbook, there are 6.5 million Jews living in the United States. This is approximately 14 percent of the total population of all Jews. This percentage may be lower in some parts of the country, but is still quite large. There are also several Jewish communities located outside of the United States, such as in New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia. These communities are characterized by a strong connection to Jewish culture, both religious and cultural.