Kiel, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information on the Population & Steets of Kiel City is provided by the city's Bureau of Statistics. The population in Kiel City is divided into three main sections: rural and urban. The city is located in a rural area in the Low German region of Germany, so the language is pronounced differently than in most metropolitan areas. Typically, the accent is made up of 't' instead of's' and 'p' instead of 'f.'

The population density of the city can be found in the following graph:

In the 1860s, the German Empire waged a war between Denmark and Prussia to claim the coastal region. The resultant territorial dispute led to the creation of Kiel and the other port cities in the region. In 1918, Kiel was also the scene of the November Revolution. This began with a mutiny among sailors at Kiel who did not want to fight in a lost war. This rebellion resulted in the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the Weimar Republic.

The population of Kiel, Wisconsin is approximately 7,001 people. Its median home value is $141,923 and the average household size is 2.49. The median age of residents is 39 years old. The median household income is $55,982 while the average household income is $63,756. The city has an average household income of $63,756. The population of Kiel is largely educated with a high school graduation rate of 84%. Despite its low educational attainment, only 45% of residents of Kiel attended college.