La Farge, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know about the population and steets of La Farge City, you should learn about the crime statistics in this community. These statistics can be misleading, however, because the city is surrounded by large commercial areas. In this article, you will learn about crime rates in La Farge City, Wisconsin. Compared to surrounding cities, La Farge has a lower crime rate than most of its neighbors.

The median household income in La Farge, WI is $41,071. This city has a higher than average poverty rate, with only a 3% poverty rate. Although the city is not considered to be very diverse, there are several factors to consider when assessing the community's diversity. For example, racial diversity is represented by the number of households that identify as black or Hispanic, but still make up more than half of the total population.

The city of La Farge is located in Vernon County, Wisconsin. Its population is expected to reach 762 by the year 2020. The city is the 402nd largest city in Wisconsin and the 11498th largest city in the United States. The population of La Farge is growing at a modest 0.13% per year, up 2.14% since the 2010 census. With a population density of 755 per square mile, it is a small village.