La Valle, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

La Valle, WI, is a city in Wisconsin. There are about 365 people living here. Approximately 64% of them are women, 27% are men, and the median age is 34.5 years old. There are also 162 households in La Valle. Of these households, 82 are family households, 80 are non-family households, and 39 are single-person households. The median income in La Valle is about $50,750 per year. The median home price is $119,600.

La Valle is a small town located in Sauk County, Wisconsin. It is called La Valle for its valley-like location. Its population was 1,203 at the 2000 census. The town's population is dominated by tourism and lake communities. Its economy is driven by tourism.

Crime rates are high in La Valle, but not as high as they are in some cities. On average, there are 14 crimes committed in La Valle per every 1,000 residents. However, some neighborhoods are more crime-prone than others. Central La Valle, for example, has more retail establishments than the rest of the city. Therefore, it's common for crimes to occur in retail areas. Crime rates in La Valle are similar to the Wisconsin and national average.

In addition to statistics on the population, zip codes can be used to identify neighborhoods. The city's ZIP code is 53941. In addition to the ZIP code, you can also look up schools, museums, libraries, hospitals, and other important locations.