Laona, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the Population & Steets in La ona City, Indiana, you have come to the right place. We've compiled the most detailed information about this town for you. You'll be able to find out the median age of the entire population, as well as how many people live in the city. If you'd like to learn more about the community, check out our About Page.

When it comes to demographics, Laona is home to about 1,192 residents. The median home value is $99,200, and the median commute time is about 20.3 minutes. It is also home to approximately 1% Hispanics. The median household income is $39,939, and the average household income is $48,174. The population in Laona is well-educated, with 77% of residents having graduated from high school. Only 6% of residents of Laona are college graduates.

Laona is home to a married-couple population of 7.4%, while the U.S. and Wisconsin population of 15 and older is 8% larger. Additionally, the city has a higher percentage of married-couples than the surrounding areas. In addition, Laona's veteran population is about 4.9%, while the statewide percentage is 7.6%. It is home to the second-largest number of married-couple households in Wisconsin.