Lime Ridge, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering how many people live in Lime Ridge, PA? Here are the statistics on the area's population and steets. You can even zoom in to get a closer look. This map of Lime Ridge is provided for informational purposes only and does not necessarily represent the actual population. For more detailed information, contact the Lime Ridge City Hall. We will also be happy to provide you with a detailed map of the city.

Lime Ridge has a population of 983 people. The area is mostly residential, with a suburban, rural, and suburban blend feel. Most residents own their own homes. Many retirees and families live here. The community is generally conservative. Public schools are well regarded. The median age is 48.8 years for men and 50 years for women. The median household income is $38,333.

The median household income in Lime Ridge is $67,813. The unemployment rate in Lime Ridge is 2.3%, and the percentage of government employees is 4.8%. There are 143 people of voting age living in Lime Ridge. Most of the people live in single-family homes. About 83% of Lime Ridge's residents are white. Only 1.7% are non-white. However, this area is home to many immigrants from other countries.