Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for the Population & Steets in Manatowish Waters? Use the census data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau to find out! The data below shows the breakdown of head of household and single versus married households in the Manitowish Waters City. Also, check out the top 10 cities in Wisconsin and the breakdown of each by race, age, and gender!

When it comes to demographics, Manitowish Waters and Boulder Junction are good choices for those looking for a family-friendly community. The area boasts a low crime rate, and many residents are college-educated. The town also has a high percentage of single-family homes. While the community is not perfect, it's a nice place to live!

As with any city, there are some areas that are more crime-prone than others. While the population density of the parks and major airports is low, the area may have a higher murder rate than the city as a whole. However, it is important to remember that crime happens where people are! While Manitowish Waters has low crime rates, some crime can occur in areas that are not as safe as they appear to be.

The population of Manitowish Waters is roughly 700 people. The town is largely unincorporated and is part of the Vilas County region. The town is served by Manitowish Waters Airport, which is a public use airport located about a mile south of the central business district. A few miles south of the town is the Little Bohemia Lodge, a rustic vacation lodge that is located off of US Highway 51.