Mikana, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Mikasa City, Wisconsin, are important indicators of the local economy. These statistics are based on the 2010 census and are updated regularly. However, the numbers can be misleading. The population of Mikana is much larger than the census suggests. Regardless of the city's size, the area's residents are diverse. For example, the city's population is composed of a wide range of ages. The median age of the population was 41 years old, while the percentage of individuals was higher. Besides, males outnumbered females 99.5% to 1 in Mikana City. For instance, there were nine males for every 100 females.

Estimating the population size of street children is a key step in effective planning and advocacy. The estimates made from this exercise will help policymakers advocate for resources and develop programs and outreach efforts. A map is a useful tool to guide outreach efforts to provide services to street children. It can also help policymakers plan and evaluate programs for these children. The maps will allow policymakers and other community stakeholders to determine the scope of their interventions.

The demographic data for the area of 54857 can be useful for determining the needs and characteristics of local residents. In the town of Mikana City, 54857, the majority of people commute by vehicle. There are also relatively few workers working from home. While the majority of people in the rest of the country travel to their place of employment in under half an hour, those living in this city spend more than 45 minutes getting to work.